Two thousand and twenty, Twenty Twenty, dos mil veinte (how bilingual!)
New year resolutions, yupi!!
Challenges for the new year, oh yeah!
First one, staying alive!
Second, that all my dreams come true!
Last, but not least, the fall of capitalism!!
As 2020 it is just a way of administrate that thing that we call time, I don't think year resolution should exist, maybe just resolution for the future to come, what it's the same, but at the same time not... So, this are my thoughts for this 4718 (for the chinese calendar).
Well, I think the real challenge for the time to come is to be able to manage the collapse and fall of every structure that doesn't work with our wishes for a new and renovated way of living that considere us as... humans and not just a productive robots. It is time to kill, crush and transform something, anything we considerer a detriment for our existence.
Also recognize, and think, and accept, the academy as space of stagnation, low productivity and intelectual suicide. Maybe take the chance and leave it as a final statement of its nonsense and the recognition of the kraft over de academy's arts (this sound very british, like arts&kraft early XX century, or it was late XIX century?).
In terms of 2020 challenges, as you've noticed, I can not think straight and all the writing becomes more a mumbling than a proper idea. And that is, I think, the biggest challenge, I guess, start to live with confidence even if the hole life feels like a constant mumbling, crumbling ...bling bling. Because, I hope, in some point it will start to feel like a proper idea.
I loved this post. I agree in everything with you. Life it's complicated, even more now and we souldn't have more pressures that survive jajaja I really hope you find the strong to make those desitions that take you apart from Academy. Specialy here, academy sucks, it's jut money wasted :( but GOOD LUCK! and don't be sorry! we're all trying to survive! and lets kill everything